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Green Lea First School

‘Learn, Explore, Achieve’

The Team at Green Lea First School are dedicated to providing pupils with the very best learning experiences. Our motto ‘Learn, Explore, Achieve’ is the driving force behind this:




Alongside wellbeing, learning is at the heart of all we do at Green Lea. We provide an engaging, purposeful and inclusive approach to teaching and learning to inspire in our pupils a lifelong love of learning.

We maximise our learning opportunities to ensure our pupils are inquisitive and equipped to question and explore the diverse world they live in.

Through our approach to learning and exploring, we are committed to securing the best possible achievements for our pupils at Green Lea First School and celebrate their successes.


Green Lea First School’s curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure that it is cohesive and progressive throughout the school. It focuses on embedding knowledge and skills through progressive and sequential teaching and learning. Concepts support teachers to chart a pathway through learning, allowing children to know and remember more and make links more easily. The intent of our curriculum is to provide a framework for teaching and learning that focuses on developing children’s understanding, knowledge and skills to ensure our children know more and remember more over time. Our aim is to develop a love of learning, encourage exploration and to ensure our children achieve their best in order to prepare them for the future. It is important to us that children feel happy, safe and motivated to learn. We are committed to providing experiential learning and enriching opportunities to make learning meaningful. Outdoor education has a high profile at Green Lea, and pupils are introduced to a wide variety of activities and experiences in our natural, rural environment. We believe that teaching children how to be resilient, work in a team, learn, explore and take risks in a safe environment whilst developing their ECO awareness is crucial for preparing them for the next stage in their education and beyond.


Our days are carefully timetabled to ensure that learning is maximised, Phonics, Mathematics and English are taught each morning. Music, P.E., Forest School, PSHCE and French are taught discretely weekly. Science and Foundation Subjects are discreetly taught and carefully blocked to allow for a sequence of lessons across a number of weeks. All subjects are carefully assessed using a range of assessment for learning techniques.

Teaching and Learning

To ensure high quality teaching and learning in the classroom we employ the ‘Champion Learning’ pedagogy based on Rosenshine's Principles. This is to ensure that all lessons are well-structured, purposeful and based on sound educational research. By using these principles teachers can ensure that lessons are coherent and clearly sequenced, building on prior learning and leading to clear outcomes. The principles will also provide a framework for providing timely and effective feedback to children, promoting self-reflection and helping children to identify their next steps in their learning journey.

There are 10 principles

  • Begin the lesson with a review of previous learning.
  • Present new material in small steps.
  • Ask a large number of questions (and to all students).
  • Provide models and worked examples.
  • Practise using the new material.
  • Check for understanding frequently and correct errors.
  • Obtain a high success rate.
  • Provide scaffolds for difficult tasks.
  • Independent practice.
  • Monthly and weekly reviews.

Professional development

We continuously develop our staff as it is essential for creating a culture of continuous learning and improvement. We give our professional development a thoughtful and intentional approach that considers the needs of the staff, the goals of the school, and the resources available.

Engaging Parents

At Green Lea First School, we understand the importance of engaging parents as creating a strong partnership between the school and the family can build a stronger school community, and support the growth and development of our children. We aim to do this by;

  • Parent Workshops
  • Parent's Evenings.
  • End of year reports.
  • Termly curriculum overview.
  • Steering groups.

We at Green Lea, appreciate that curriculum development is an ever-evolving process, therefore, all curriculum documents are accurate at the date of access but are under constant review.

To find out more about our curriculum please contact the school office on 01889 505309 and we will guide you to the appropriate person.

Below is a link to the National Curriculum:

National curriculum - GOV.UK (

Green LeaFirst School
Contact Us
01889 505309Green Lea First Schooloffice@greenlea.staffs.sch.ukMill Lane, Coton Milwich, Stafford, ST18 0EU
The Creative Learning Patnership Trust